I fail at time management. I am a successful procrastinator. To do lists are typically forgotten as soon as they are finished, but here's to hoping making this list public will help.
In no particular order, this summer I plan to:
- blog (more than once)
paint the dining room teal. Yes, teal.read at least 15 books- actually weed through the "to mend" pile and either mend or
toss - find a way to make the sun porch useful space (i.e. not a big closet)
- actually scrap some vacation photos before adding thousands more
- organize the file cabinets in my classroom
keep the garden under control and actually make good use of the producemove it, move it (walk, jog,Zumba, do something!)- make a curtain for the entry way (and toss the ugly lace topper)
- organize the basement
- finally make the apron with the Amy Butler pattern I bought a year ago
- refurbish the chair that I bought for that purpose five years ago
Seeing a trend?